

RiderKo's Corporate Delivery API will allow corporate partners to compute, book, inquire and cancel point to point or multi-point deliveries. Our team is available to support you for inquiries regarding the integration.


RiderKo's Corporate Delivery API allows point to point and multi-point deliveries within the Philippines.


Environment URL
production Will be provided


To request for your token, use the following code:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--form 'client_id="YOUR_CLIENT_ID"' \
--form 'client_secret="YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"'

Make sure to replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID with your client_id and THIS_IS_YOUR_SECRET with your client_secret.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiMTMxYTJjMjlkZmY5ZjBjZjIzMTI4MTllOTcwNWNmOTFmMmE0ZDE2MGNkZjE2MWZhYjI0MWQ3ZjU4ODBkYjkwNjAyYWE0YjE4MTNhMDAxZDEiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTU2ODk4MTYuOTUxNTQ4LCJuYmYiOjE3MTU2ODk4MTYuOTUxNTUxLCJleHAiOjE3NDcyMjU4MTYuOTQyNzY3LCJzdWIiOiI0Iiwic2NvcGVzIjpbImNvcnBvcmF0ZSJdfQ.iKbUYDtMkBfYgwC-7wDeZYsHc-TEO5H-6M1E86EOH3Gd2AZB7MzJtsc4P3WpYaQEsULQjpOLTHsvcQeXrdmG3J08kXunXvVeYt0vrYSUjTH4cC3bJuloSWPnq-uHFBnMhQCgozMy-hVMZfwGAYGCynTDaPOc4wZ8FabrpK4Og1pWARSNe_C3-o-rpwuCEqE7BrPTGlhqUmSP-WF-y7HfBAtwmyoROgO2f1wnlW_GXy9jN8g0ICh96YJLpGjNuj5M4LLM3FT5t3UrDDuRY9VgNAS88mniuoXmCOUyUh8tK1NSZi584pJMuyGzofl4KcLAryN8fCUlvoFyJhQstjM_RpIXljdIxMtSFL_YH7FejLm8XsEs9fpSEmzB-Acyegp4FxaTDnSL1tQkoIBm_feLaFo2h2g_4On7EqDGoe3LCYwGT9rY-xt36rQ2rm29WfRbnHbTQPgwswvF2j4cnF7KzbwDe20VgGM6kpI4AQLIN3cTvxPdfK6HbFgEqLCWXmEK231HodiBmrBy8SF2mXXMTUpy6lk40B18NkA-G49NdXLYxHbJYvZMg5wt-KsVAshpnd8gWKkTcfVk6UteFSUI4nZFnD7js00wQ_T7Uh4T6DWjtU3Fxm-YMt_HXZq2b0AbLJ62F0a06JwgCqdMSdrKnwHlUibK3uo46pW9KxM-qtM",
        "name": "Corporate Partner"
    "message": "Corporate token provided."

In order to call RiderKo's endpoints, the partner is required to request for a token.

This endpoint requests for a token.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
client_id string yes Your client_id.
client_secret string yes Your client_secret.

All other endpoints require for the token to be included in the header of the requests, that looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer token


Compute Delivery

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
--form 'pickup_longitude="121.123456"' \
--form 'pickup_latitude="14.123456"' \
--form 'destinations="{

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "destinations": [
                "distance_text": "38.13 km",
                "distance_fee": "292.00",
                "cash_on_delivery_amount": "850.00",
                "outside_5km": "0.00",
                "outside_10km": "0.00"
        "distance_text": "38.1 km",
        "distance_fee": "292.00",
        "estimated_arrival_seconds": 5493,
        "cash_on_delivery_amount": "850.00",
        "morning_surcharge": "0.00",
        "evening_surcharge": "0.00",
        "corporate_surcharge": "0.00",
        "corporate_holiday_surcharge": "0.00",
        "outside_ncr_charge": "0.00",
        "total_fee": "292.00"
    "message": "Rates computed."

This endpoint computes a Delivery request.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
Accept string yes Set to application/json.
Authorization string yes Set to Bearer token.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
pickup_longitude decimal yes Longitude of the pickup location
pickup_latutude decimal yes Latitude of the pickup location
destinations json array yes JSON array of the destinations/drop offs


Parameter Type Required Description
destination_longitude decimal yes Longitude of a dropoff location
destination_latutude decimal yes Latitude of the dropoff location
parcel_dimensions json array no JSON array of the parcels dimensions
cash_on_delivery_amount decimal no Amount that will be collected from receipient ex 150.00

Parcel Dimensions

Parameter Type Required Description
height integer no Height of the parcel in cm ex 15
width integer no Width of the parcel in cm ex 15
depth integer no Depth of the parcel in cm ex 15
weight integer no Weight of the parcel in grams ex 1500

Book Delivery

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
--form 'pickup_longitude="121.12345678"' \
--form 'pickup_latutude="14.12345678"' \
--form 'pickup_name="Tester One"' \
--form 'pickup_contact_number="9987654321"' \
--form 'pickup_landmark=""' \
--form 'destinations="{
}"' \
--form 'scheduled_at="2022-01-27 14:30:00"'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "destinations": [
                "distance_text": "15.97 km",
                "distance_fee": "160.00",
                "cash_on_delivery_amount": "850.00",
                "outside_5km": "0.00",
                "outside_10km": "0.00",
                "package_type": "Document"
        "distance_text": "16.0 km",
        "distance_fee": "160.00",
        "estimated_arrival_seconds": 2132,
        "cash_on_delivery_amount": "850.00",
        "morning_surcharge": "0.00",
        "evening_surcharge": "0.00",
        "corporate_surcharge": "0.00",
        "corporate_holiday_surcharge": "0.00",
        "outside_ncr_charge": "0.00",
        "total_fee": "160.00",
        "reference_number": "200016921",
        "pickup_longitude": "121.060354",
        "pickup_latutude": "14.582202",
        "payment_collection": "sender",
        "destination_longitude": "120.9728776",
        "destination_latutude": "14.6604517",
        "pickup_address": "Market Innovators Inc, 사무실 옥타곤 Octagon Center, San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines",
        "destination_address": "228 Bisig Ng Kabataan, Sangandaan, Caloocan, 1400 Kalakhang Maynila, Philippines"
    "message": "Booking successful, finding you a rider."

This endpoint sends a request for delivery.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
Accept string yes Set to application/json.
Authorization string yes Set to Bearer token.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
pickup_longitude decimal yes Longitude of the pickup location
pickup_latutude decimal yes Latitude of the pickup location
pickup_name string yes Name of the person to pickup the package from
pickup_contact_number int yes 10 digit format (ex 9276666666) of the mobile number of the person to pickup the package from
pickup_landmark string no Landmark of the pickup location or notes to rider
scheduled_at datetime no Date and time for scheduled pickup in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format (ex 2022-01-27 14:30:00). Should be within 48 hours of current date and time
destinations json array yes JSON array of the destinations/drop offs
partner_tracking_number string no Tracking number of corporate partner


Parameter Type Required Description
destination_longitude decimal yes Longitude of a dropoff location
destination_latutude decimal yes Latitude of the dropoff location
destination_name string yes Name of the person to dropoff a package to
destination_contact_number int yes 10 digit format (ex 9276666666) of the mobile number of the person to dropoff a package to
destination_landmark string no Landmark of a dropoff location or notes to rider
package_type string yes One of the following: Clothing, Electronics, Food, Documents, Fragile Item, Boxed Item, Medicine, Flowers, Groceries
parcel_dimensions json array no JSON array of the parcels dimensions
cash_on_delivery_amount decimal no Amount that will be collected from receipient ex 150.00

Parcel Dimensions

Parameter Type Required Description
height integer no Height of the parcel in cm ex 15
width integer no Width of the parcel in cm ex 15
depth integer no Depth of the parcel in cm ex 15
weight integer no Weight of the parcel in grams ex 1500

Get a Specific Delivery

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer token'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "reference_number": "200010543",
        "scheduled_at": null,
        "status": "delivered",
        "created_at": "2023-05-05T01:24:39.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-05-05T01:50:55.000000Z",
        "partner_tracking_number": null,
        "method": "delivery",
        "details": [
                "job_number": 1,
                "pickup_longitude": "121.060354",
                "pickup_latutude": "14.582202",
                "pickup_address": "17th Floor, Octagon Building, Octagon Center, San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines",
                "pickup_name": "Tester One",
                "pickup_contact_number": "9276180627",
                "pickup_landmark": "",
                "pickup_image": "200010543-pickup_image.jpg",
                "destination_longitude": "120.9728776",
                "destination_latutude": "14.6604517",
                "destination_address": "228 Bisig Ng Kabataan, Sangandaan, Caloocan, 1400 Kalakhang Maynila, Philippines",
                "destination_name": "Test",
                "destination_contact_number": "9276180627",
                "destination_landmark": "",
                "destination_image": "200010543-delivery_image.jpg",
                "distance": "15.98 km",
                "distance_fee": "160.00",
                "package_type": "Document",
                "payment_collection": "sender",
                "payment_method": "cash",
                "status": "delivered",
                "created_at": "2023-05-05T01:24:39.000000Z",
                "updated_at": "2023-05-05T01:50:57.000000Z",
                "cash_on_delivery_amount": "850.00",
                "total_amount": "160.00"
        "distance": "15.98 km",
        "distance_fee": 160,
        "cash_on_delivery_amount": 850,
        "payment_option": "Dingdong Wallet",
        "payment_collection": "Sender",
        "total_amount": "160.00",
        "rider_account_number": "R00000037",
        "rider_name": "Account, Hassan Test",
        "rider_mobile": "9276180627",
        "service_vehicle": "Motorcycle",
        "rider_vehicle_details": {
            "type": "motorcycle",
            "make": "Honda",
            "model": "Beat",
            "plate": "123456",
            "color": "Gray"
        "rider_rating": "4.9",
        "rider_longitude": null,
        "rider_latitude": null,
        "tracking_screen_link": "",
        "waybill_link": ""
    "message": "Job found."

This endpoint retrieves a specific deliveries details.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
Accept string yes Set to application/json.
Authorization string yes Set to Bearer token.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
reference_number integer yes Reference number of the delivery

Get a set of Deliveries

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer token'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "result": [
                "reference_number": "200010543",
                "scheduled_at": null,
                "status": "delivered",
                "created_at": "2023-05-05T01:24:39.000000Z",
                "updated_at": "2023-05-05T01:50:55.000000Z",
                "partner_tracking_number": null,
                "method": "delivery",
                "details": [
                        "job_number": 1,
                        "pickup_longitude": "121.060354",
                        "pickup_latutude": "14.582202",
                        "pickup_address": "17th Floor, Octagon Building, Octagon Center, San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines",
                        "pickup_name": "Tester One",
                        "pickup_contact_number": "9276180627",
                        "pickup_landmark": "",
                        "pickup_image": "200010543-pickup_image.jpg",
                        "destination_longitude": "120.9728776",
                        "destination_latutude": "14.6604517",
                        "destination_address": "228 Bisig Ng Kabataan, Sangandaan, Caloocan, 1400 Kalakhang Maynila, Philippines",
                        "destination_name": "Test",
                        "destination_contact_number": "9276180627",
                        "destination_landmark": "",
                        "destination_image": "200010543-delivery_image.jpg",
                        "distance": "15.98 km",
                        "distance_fee": "160.00",
                        "package_type": "Document",
                        "payment_collection": "sender",
                        "payment_method": "cash",
                        "status": "delivered",
                        "created_at": "2023-05-05T01:24:39.000000Z",
                        "updated_at": "2023-05-05T01:50:57.000000Z",
                        "cash_on_delivery_amount": "850.00",
                        "total_amount": "160.00"
                "distance": "15.98 km",
                "distance_fee": 160,
                "cash_on_delivery_amount": 850,
                "payment_option": "Dingdong Wallet",
                "payment_collection": "Sender",
                "total_amount": "160.00",
                "rider_account_number": "R00000037",
                "rider_name": "Account, Hassan Test",
                "rider_mobile": "9276180627",
                "service_vehicle": "Motorcycle",
                "rider_vehicle_details": {
                    "type": "motorcycle",
                    "make": "Honda",
                    "model": "Beat",
                    "plate": "123456",
                    "color": "Gray"
                "rider_rating": "4.9"
    "message": "Job History."

This endpoint retrieves a group of delivery details.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
Accept string yes Set to application/json.
Authorization string yes Set to Bearer token.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
status string no Status of transactions to fetch: all, on-going, completed or cancelled
page integer no Page of the transactions to fetch (if not sent, retreives all records). Records are paginated by 10.

Cancel Delivery

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
--form 'reference_number="200008159"' \
--form 'cancellation_reason="I waited too long"'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "reference_number": "200008159",
        "cancellation_reason": "I waited too long"
    "message": "Job cancelled."

This endpoint cancels a Delivery request.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
Accept string yes Set to application/json.
Authorization string yes Set to Bearer token.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
reference_number integer yes Longitude of the pickup location
cancellation_reason string yes Reason of the cancellation, One of the following: "I waited too long", "I've changed my mind", "I entered wrong information", "Other reasons"


Sample Postback Payload:

  "data": {
    "reference_number": "200016654",
    "is_corporate": "1",
    "scheduled_at": null,
    "status": "cancelled",
    "created_at": "2024-05-09T11:46:51.000000Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-05-09T11:57:14.000000Z",
    "partner_tracking_number": null,
    "details": [
        "job_number": 1,
        "pickup_longitude": "121.066751",
        "pickup_latutude": "14.5083543",
        "pickup_address": "JGF Place, MRT Avenue, Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines",
        "pickup_name": "Delivery Warehouse 1",
        "pickup_contact_number": "9156882821",
        "pickup_landmark": "",
        "pickup_image": null,
        "destination_longitude": "121.0740637",
        "destination_latutude": "14.515655",
        "destination_address": "G38F+8JM, Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines",
        "destination_name": "Charm G",
        "destination_contact_number": "9156882821",
        "destination_landmark": "Sea Breeze Entrance",
        "destination_image": null,
        "distance": "1.82 km",
        "distance_fee": "66.00",
        "package_type": "Parcel",
        "payment_collection": "sender",
        "payment_method": "cash",
        "status": "cancelled",
        "created_at": "2024-05-09T11:46:51.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-05-09T11:57:14.000000Z",
        "pickup_code": 246,
        "delivery_code": 559,
        "cash_on_delivery_amount": "0.00",
        "total_amount": "66.00"
    "distance": "1.82 km",
    "distance_fee": 66,
    "payment_option": "Dingdong Wallet",
    "payment_collection": "Sender",
    "total_amount": "66.00",
    "rider_account_number": "",
    "rider_name": "",
    "rider_mobile": "",
    "service_vehicle": "Motorcycle",
    "rider_vehicle_details": [],
    "rider_rating": "0"
  "digest": "772e6ef64cb1360483445182909b5aebcc2af3154d46f33fd68bb5b118390bd6"

Digest Generation Sample Code

public function generate_digest($params, $client_id)
    $params = $params['reference_number'] . $params['status'];
    return hash_hmac('sha256', $params, $client_id, false); //Compute hash value

For every status change a postback will be sent to the corporate partners provided WebHook/Postback URL. The partner has the option of verifying the Postback with the provided digest.

Make sure that your WebHook/Postback server responds with a HTTP code 200 and the the ff in JSON format {"success": true}


The RiderKo Corporate API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.